International Relations:

IIT Jodhpur is focusing on internationalization by fostering partnerships with Foreign Universities and institutions to collaborate in the areas of mutual interests of R&D and Academic Collaborations.Since its inception, IRO has worked proactively to establish International Partners by assisting/ facilitating drawing up of MoUs/ agreements between IIT Jodhpur and International institutions as well as developing proposals for collaboration, and providing the necessary administrative institutional support to operationalizing these Partners and collaborations Currently, the Institute has entered into MoUs with internationally reputed institutions such as the University at Albany, State of New York and University at Buffalo, State University at New York and many more. Moreover, IIT Jodhpur had also enrolled International students across various postgraduate programs from Indonesia, Syria, Nepal and Bangladesh, through various initiatives of GoI such as ASEAN fellowship program, Study in India and ICCR. It is important to note that, IIT Jodhpur is one of the few Indian Universities that has a full-fledged International Relations Office.

Alumni Relations:

IIT Jodhpur values it’s Alumni as key stakeholders in the development of the Institute. The Institute continues to build a mutually beneficial relationship with it’s Alumni by purposeful engagement. The Institute has constituted the Alumni Relations Committee (ARC) with an objective to enable and facilitate activities that (1) Benefit our Alumni and Students (2) Foster mutual trust and (3) Promote professional and technical excellence. The ARC, IIT Jodhpur:

(1) Establishes systems and processes to build alumni relations
(2) Engages actively with the Alumni, and
(3) Undertakes activities with and for Alumni on and off campus

The ARC has enabled seamless communication between each Alumnus, the Institute and it’s Students through an online portal. This portal also allows networking among Alumni and the mentoring of Students by the Alumni in mutually interesting areas.The Institute annually organizes an Alumni day to celebrate it’s Alumni, during which Alumni achievers are recognized with Recognizing Excellence in Young Alumni (REYA) awards. The Alumni day features distinguished invitees, and serves as a networking opportunity for Alumni and Students. Alumni of the Institute are regularly invited to the campus by the ARC to interact with the Students and offer guidance on life after graduation. The ARC engages actively with other IIT Alumni bodies such as PanIIT Alumni and IITACB as well to forge networks, which will help our Alumni and Students.

Career Development Cell:

Career Development Cell (CDC) is focussed to establish a career development plan that can support and facilitate training of IITJ students for both short and long-term career goals. CDC aims to create an encouraging atmosphere for students by providing them ample prospects of building competencies in sync with their dream careers, thereby ensuring a smooth landing into the professional world. With innovative training methods, skill assessment programs, and a continuous assessment of student interests, CDC provides services and resources that assist students in competence development, career planning, and employment search.

CDC designs and develops the “Career Development Activity Calendar” to conduct a multitude of activities for students focusing on Career Planning, Counselling, Research and Innovation, Industrial Relations, Entrepreneurship, Training, and Placements. In cooperation with experienced professionals and experts, CDC makes efforts to inculcate skills that are essential for graduating students to strategize their career paths and enter the outside world. CDC aids students in refining facets of their personality, verbal and written communication, learning corporate etiquettes, learning interview skills, handling group discussions, writing customized resumes, leadership, and teamwork skills. Furthermore, CDC strives to bring immensely talented and brilliant brains together to create an entwined student community and helps them to make the right connections by nurturing their talent and providing a platform for their dreams to be realized.

CDC continuously builds symbiotic relationships with a broad spectrum of core companies, industries, governmental organizations, IIT’s and alumni through social networking, workshops, invited talks, industrial visits, etc.

Corporate Relations:

The Office of Corporate Relations (OCR), IIT Jodhpur focuses on building up strong connections with the corporate Industry hence bridging the gap between IITJ and industry building a comprehensive relationship. The office intends to connect with industry associations CII, FICCI, NASSCOM, state agencies, industry associations in Jodhpur, etc. Some of the focus areas are developing collaborative R&D programmes with industry, Developing industry specific continuing education programmes for upskilling and reskilling, getting the industry involved in the academic programmes through appointments of professor of practice, Involving professionals from industry in co-guiding students, enable industry linked fellowships/scholarships, for faculty and students, connect with Techpark, TISC, TIH, and other Section 8 companies of IITJ along with supporting startups, partner with industries in their accelerator programmes, coordination of Industry Day activities, co-organizing workshops/conferences with industry etc.